Activate your Consciousness

Under Construction
29. Januar 2020
Spring Yoga Challenge
26. Februar 2020

Activate your Consciousness


This Mini Workshop focuses on eastern meditation practices that challenge modern western beliefs about the nature of identity, relationships and the nature of change. We give you a short introduction to meditative transformation through guided meditation practice with focus on:

What is Vipassana Meditation?

  • Presentation
  • Guided Vipassana Meditation practice
  • Discussion / sharing

How to change habits and transforming life experience through formation of higher intent?

  • Presentation
  • Active Consciousness Meditation practice
  • Discussion / sharing

This course is lead by Steve Levey. Steve is a former teacher and business owner from Fairbanks, Alaska. He integrates Buddhist techniques into his life study of western monotheism. Yvonne met Steve in her Meditation Teacher Training 2019 in Ubud, Bali.

MINIWORKSHOP Activate your Consciousness
Samstag, 07.03.2020 | 13:30 – 16:30 Uhr

Price:     35 € p.P.

Workshop and Meditations will be held in english – Yvonne is assisting and helps with translation!

Bitte melde Dich HIER oder per Email an. Für alle Levels geeignet. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Limitierte Plätze. First come, first serve!

Allgemeine Teilnahme- und Zahlungsbedingungen:
Die Teilnahme erfolgt auf eigene Verantwortung. Bei terminlicher Verhinderung bitte wir um zeitgerechte Abmeldung von der Einheit. Bitte informiere den Lehrer über gesundheitliche Anliegen wie Herz- und Atemwegserkrankungen oder Schwangerschaft.